
Sayaka Ganz

Sculpture DisplaysThe reason I chose this artist is because I really liked her method of art. She uses scrap metal for projects and creates many kinds of mammals and other various things with the metal. She colors it too according to her background display, and it all comes together in the end to really bring her creation to life. It always fun finding something rather unexpected like this and really makes you think what else can she create? Sayaka of course has done much more than just the image above, but I really enjoyed this one mainly because of the whole color scheme. The blue lighting effect added inside her creation blends well with the background to really make you feel like the whale is underwater. Plus the shape of it is great and it is just astounding how she could have done this project with just pieces of scrap metal to start off with. To learn more about Sayaka and her projects visit her website at:

Self-Portrait Mask


This is my finished project of my selfTaylor_selfportrait-portrait mask. It was made out of two colors: yellow and white, and was created using only geometric shapes. My first thoughts for this project were to do some kind of thing related to the famous Obama poster artistic style. So from there I ended up with some sort of mime theme mixed with the Obama theme (meaning half of one side is one color and the other is a different color).